Friday, July 2, 2010

Bad Mood

Sometimes I have bad filings which comes to me just without the reason. Since this morning I don't feel well, I am sad. I am pretty sure that I have a homesick. To help myself I was calling to my mom today. I didn't talk to her for a long time because she was busy with her daily duty. After that call my friend called me by skype. Talking with her always makes me feel better. In a better mood I came to work. I can not be sad there. The lady that I watch, can feel my bad feeling, and I don't want to make her bad mood too. With Dorothy I spent few hours. We were talking about many interesting things like travel, famous people, and saint people. Around 5 o'clock came her daughter Susanne, and she let me go home. Now I am in my place. I like to be here. I cooking my favorite tomatoe soup. Soon will come my boyfriend Michael. We will have my soup for a dinner. I am pretty sure that since the moment he will enter my door, I will be very happy.

1 comment:

  1. Boyfriends always make it look better :) there is nothing like being in love :)
    When I am homesick I like to go shopping but that is not a good thing... also I like to skype my family or watch a movie. Dogs are really helpful on this matter.
