Thursday, July 15, 2010


About 25000 people die every day of hunger. Most of them are children. In every 5 second die one child. That's happen of poverty issue. Nearly one of four people live less than 1 dollar per day. In some parts of India and Africa people dying on the street of some diseases or starving.
Today I was reading some articles about world's hunger, and that sad facts put me to the way of thinking about what's going on on the world. Very often I am about complaining of daily duty; I have to go to work, I have to study, I have this, I have that. Sometimes is good to get some knowledge about exist other people on the world. To compare my life with people from poor part of the world, I can say that I am so lucky person. I have a place to live, I have my own room and a bed. I have clothes, food and I can easy get a medicine if I need.
The conclusion of my poverty studying today is I can not complain about my life, because people around the world are in a really bad position. I also decided to help poor people. In internet I found many organizations which help poor people. There are accounts numbers. It is easy to send some money for this people, who really need help.

1 comment:

  1. It is very sad, you should do something about it , i may look for information so i can help in something than you.
