Monday, June 28, 2010

Student's Party

Since March I belong to Polish Student's Organization in US. That organization put Polish students together. From time to time we have some meetings, barbequs, trips, hiking or party. On last Sturday was a party day belongers for our organization. In the morning that day I did my homework, but afternoon I started to do preperation. I did my nails, brow waxing, hair, and of course make up. I had dilema which dress I should wear. I had three, and basically I liked each, but I wanted to wear something what will good matches to that party. Finally, I choose my black one dress with some spirkles on it. At around 6pm I was completely ready. Soon after that my boyfriend, and other friends came to my place. All together we went to Princes Manor, Polish restaurant in New York. We were there on time. Exactely at 8 pm the party started by Polonez, which a traditional Polish dance, usually started serious parties. After that was deliciuos dinner. Right after the dinner the dj started to play the music. Then everybody went to dance. In the middle of party there was a dance competition. My boyfriend and I were one of competitors. I should say that we were pretty good, but we didn't win. One ofe the couple was a professional and they won. Even though that we didn't get a maine prize, we had so much fun. All of that party was very good. With us was a couple from Lotvia, and even they didn't understand Polish language, they also had fun. That night I went to bed at 5 am. Then I was totally exosted, but happy of a very good time that night.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Last Two Days

A couple weeks ago my boss, mother of children that I watch, asked me about an extra work, watching her mother for a little while. Yesterday I came to her house. Other members of this family still were here. They did lastly preparations for their trip. Soon after that they left this house, and I stayed only with Dorothy Parente. She is eighty, and wimpy of her age and asthma disease. Even though that very often she feels bad, she smiles and makes a lot of jokes. She has also poetry's ability. She writes lots of poems every week. She is a very nice, lovely person. All I have to do here is just be her companion. We are seat and she tells me stories about her life, I love to listen her. She says interesting things about her past life, like her travels to other countries, her daughter's and husband's death, or her job as a teacher. in the past. Around seven o'clock I decided to got some dinner from her favorite restaurant, which is "Angelina" in the Westport. They have a really good food; however, yesterday they made me upset, because I was waiting for my order for an hour. I understand that they were busy, but I was worried about the lady I left home. Finally I brought the dinner home. Dorothy was very happy of meat balls spaghetti that I brought for her. I stayed for overnight with her. Today I left her for few hours, I had a doctor appointment. Thank God when I came back she was absolutelly okay. I gave her some lunch, and stright after that she went to bed to have some nap. Now is 4.45, and she still sleaps, I hope that she is okay. In hour I have to leave her again. I have to go to school. Hopefully her daugher will be back.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

my Day Today June 22

Today I woke up like an old car. Yesterday I was working very hard, and in this morning I was feeling all of my massels. Thank God I had a free time today until noon. I made and drank my coffee, checked my e-mails, and did some homework. Usually when I have some free time I go to the mall even for look around and see new clothes and shoes. That what I did today. I was looking for a fancy, ballroom dress, but I did't see anything that I liked. I decided to wear one of my old, I mean one of dress that I bought before on the polish student party that I go on this coming Satturday. All I bought today is a skirt. When I going to wear that skirt, probably I going to look like a little girl from elementary school, but I really like stuff like trhis. When I was in the mall, the girl that I babysite was calling me. She wanted to come to my workplace earlier than usually. Right after my little shopping today, I left the mall and went to the Wesport. Isabelle had a driving training today, so I drived her to the driving school. While she was there, I went to the Donkin Donats and I got a coffee and a bagle. I was so hungry. I was waiting for her, and I drinking my coffee and eating my bagle. When she finished, we came back to her home. Soon after that I went to school on my reading/writing class. When I came back home, I just talked a little bit with my roommates and went to bed.

My Weekend With out of Class Essey

My last weekend, my boyfriend and I were planning since couple weeks. We had a plan to go to Delawer State and do kajakis, pontons and and other attractions like hiking. After reading/writing class on last Thursday, I changed my mind completaly. The profesor gave us lots of homework and essey to write. I got upset of changing our plans, but I should to. On Friday evening I was trying to do some homework, but I couldn't concentrate and I didn't have any idea what to write for my essey, I got frustration and I wanted to cry. Around 9 pm by boyfriend came to my place, we were talking and after that I started to feel a little bit better. On Saturday morning I was cleaning my place, than was my turn to do it. I spent for it a couple hours. After that I was ready to do my homework but right after I set next to my computer, my sister from Spaine called me on the skype. Of course I got her call, and another 1.5 hours just flew. O.k, now I do my homework I felt. I was trying to organize my essey when my boyfriend Michael called me, just to ask me how am I, how is my essey, and when I will be able to go with him at list for a walk that afternoon. The weather was beautiful, sunny and a little windy, perfect for going on the beach or go biking. Than I was about crying. I still didn't have any ideas what to write about. Than Marta, our classmate called me, just to discuss about essey. We exchanges ideas, and since that moment I had a plan what to write about. The only problem that I had, I was too tired of even thinbking about the essey. Than Michael gave me a proposition to go out for a little while. I decided to take a little rest and go with him. We went to the Crab Shell restaurant in Stamford. There was a concert alive's musicians, I love that. We ate a little something and drank a bear. I started to feel relaxed. Next day, on Sunday since morning I was working with my homework. Around 6pm, I was done, that was such a good news for Michael. 30 minuts later he came to my place and he took me to the movie. That was a very nice evening, especially because there we met ours friends. After the movie we went to some club, we spent couple more hours together. We had a really good time and so much fun.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wendesday, June 16th

Today I had a free morning, I did't have to rush to work. I woke up around 9am. In my pigamas I went to the kitchen and there I had a cup of coffe. After than I took a shower. I have a mess in my room, but I was to lazy to clean this up. I couldn't do my homework, because something was wrong with the internet, I didn't have any network. I dressed up and went to the Stamford mall. I have a couple of gift cards, which I wanted to use of my shopping. I was walking from one to another store but I didn't see anything ineresting for me. I was ready to left the moll, when I decided to see one more shop that was H&M. Today there were lots of sales. I found one dress which catched my eyes from the first moment since I saw that. That dress is from very soft material, with mix of grey and black colors. I think that dress will be perfect to go to the beach. The best what I like on this dress is a price. I spent only seven dollars for that dress. I was so happy that I got that dress. Around 1pm I got to my work place. Isabelle was at home already. Aleksander, another child that I watch came back from school a little bit later. I prepared them some snack and drinks. Now both of them are in their rooms and they are studying for tests that they have tomorrow. Is 4.15 now. I guess that in 1.5 hours I'll be done with my work today. For a dinner I will have a salad, yummy. I hope that in this evening not going to be raining. I have a plane to go with my boyfriend play tennis or do other sports activities like rollorblaiding or biking.

My Family

I have a big family. I have a six sisters and younger brother. My oldest sister's name is Joanna, sister Justyniana. The second of her name comes from the convent that she belongs to. When she was nineteen she decided to be a nun. She works in Ukraine as a Missionary. She taech children a cathehism, works in a church and she prays a lot. Even though that she is a little bit stubborn, she is a very good person, she helps people a lot. My second sister's name is Wiesława. She has her own family; two daughters and dwo sons. All of them are very good children. Wiesława works as a kinderkarden teacher, and her little students just love her. She is very good in her job. My another sister's name is Małgorzata and has her own family too. She has a son and a daughter. Małgorzata with her husband work with their own bussiness. They sell and instalate windows, doors, roofers etc. The other sister's name is Renata. Her husband, son and her live in the Madrid, Spain. I miss her so much because I see her very seldom. Another sister's name is Barbara. She also has her family. She has two boys. Barbara works as an accounter in onbe of company in her town. Another sister's name is Anna. She is single. She lives and works in inernational insurance company in Menchester UK. The last of my siblings is my brother Marek. He got married two years ago, and he will have a baby in this coming November. Marek works for my sister's company. He also is a musician. He has his own band group and they play music on wedding parties or other celebrations. This is a little bit about my big family. I miss them and I love every member very much.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Dad

My Dad's name is Tadeusz, since two years he is not alive.He was born in September 1940, that was a World War II period. When he was six mounths, his family and him were deported to Basarabia, Russia. Nobody knows exactely why his family was chhosen for this bad thing. He spent all his childhood there until the war ended, that wasn't easy. Since a child he used to work on my grandparent's farm. Even though that he didn't have easy life, he was a great person. For all of his life he worked very hard on his own farm and also as a house builder. I remember him when he was coming back home after work, he was exhousted, but he never complained of that. He knew that had to work for his family. He had a big family; eight children and he was so happy with that fact. Although that he worked hard during the days, he was very optimistic person. I remember him how he was sitting with us, his children at the end of the days. Then he joked, and played games and cards with us. I loved it.

Three years ago he got a very serious sick - lung cancer. He was taking strong medicines and radiotherapy. His body was to wimp to get chemotherapy. Around six mounths later he dyed. That was the worst thing in my life. I couldn't be there when was his funeral of my visa status issue. I was praying of his soul and I feel taht he takes care of me when I have a hard time.

Few more things about my mom

Unfortunatelly I finished last post earlier. I want add a few more things about my mom. My mom has an artists ability. She sings and play piano very nice. She also is a joke maker and kind of actor. Very often I was laughing like crazy of her jokes. When she makes a joke she also changes her voice. She copies other people, she sounds like them and she moves her body like other people do. Sometimes this is very funny.
My mom is my best friend. She is the most lovely and trust person in my life. I miss her very much and I hope to see her soon.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Mom

My mom's name is Maria and she is sixty five. My mom has a very good personality. She is a very patient and calm person. The humor that she has is the thing that I like the most about her. She makes lots of jokes which make people lough. When my mom was nineteen she married my dad. They were a very good couple for 44 years, until my dad dyed. My parents fostered eight children, and that fact is amazing for me. Even though that my mom always worked very hard, she was never complaining about herself.Two years ago she had the biggest lost in her life, her husbend's, my father's death. That hurted her so much and since that moment she has a hard time, she misses my dad very much. My mom is very religious person. She prays a lot, several times a day. She also goes to the church very often. I guess that praing makes her strong with struggling with her concouries.

My Village

Today I want describe a little bit the place were I grew up. I am from South East Poland. There is small village called Uszkowce. Around that village are forests, which make a circle horizont around that place. I liked to go to forest from time to time to pick up some mashrooms. In that village live like twenty six families and everybody know each other very well. People live there and mostly they work on the farms. They growth crops like potatoes, beats, seeds, corn etc. My parents also had a farm. We had a cows, horse, pigs, hans, ducks, and geese. My parents, siblings and I also worked on the field with crops, vegetables and seeds. Most of growth were as a food for as or animals that we had. I loved to work with animals, especially when were born a little horse, calf, and some poultry. In my memory I have also the view of my families atmosphere. Even during some work we were lucky to spend a time with my parents and siblings (six sisters and brother) In Uszkowce I spend my childhood and there is still my heart. I remember every single little place there where I was plaing with my siblings especially with my younger brother Marek. I remember some crazy things that we make together like jumping on the hay or making "cakes" from the mud. Actually I am in the United States and I have no idea when I will go again to my childhood place, my village. I believe that soon I will go there, and that will be so lucky day for me.

Minnewaska State Park

Today I woke up very tired because I didn't sleap last night for a long time. Last night my boyfiend and I were out, we went to the disco and I came back home very late. In this morning my boyfiend Michael called me and asked me about going to the Minnewaska State Park. I didn't really like this idea, but he persuaded me. We prepared equipment like some water, food and clothes, and at around 9 o'clock am we left my place. Around 11 o'clock we got our destination point. There we entered a restaurant and had some lunch. I had fish and chips and Michael chicken with mushed potatoes. Then we got out our bicycles and went to drive them in the park. I love to be in that park. There are mountains, lots of trees, and a lake in the middle of park. There are also very good track to walk or biking. You can spend there a while between the nature and fresh air. After a couple hours the little rain started to raining, then we decided to go home. We had a little traffic on the roads, so our back trip was a little bit longer than normaly. We were happy that we could go there and spend some time there. This is very good to go sometimes somehere especially to some nature place and with a nice companion, like my boyfriend. Today we decided to do a similar trips as many times as will be possible. Beside so much fun, other good thing is spending very low money. All that you pay is a gas and some tolls.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Passion - Dance

Since I was a child I love to dance. Beside one short dance course that I took in the past, I have never take any dance classes. Even though that I'm not a professional, I can dance. There is so many different styles and types of dance. Usually they come from some countries or regions. For example latin dances come from South America. Usually they have a sexy, hot styles. To this category belong dances like: salsa, bachata, merenge, samba etc. The other group of dances is ballroom style. To this style belong dances like watz, tango, foxtrot, quickstep, jive. Even though that many os these dances I know basic steps I like to dance my own style. My boyfriend is a really good dancer also, and both of us love to go to some parties. Our favorite music is dancing music and light rock. We like to be creative in our dances. I like when Michael twists me and turned my body in many ways. I enjoy dancing with him very much. The dance is a thing which makes me the biggest pleasure in my life.